'Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance' was a hallowed book in the 1970's counter-culture scene. Perhaps not the easiest book to read but it did inspire this week's writing session. Well we couldn't resist once we heard an account from one of our writers about their experience mowing the lawns at their croquet club and the challenges of their ancient ride on mower which sounded more like a cross between a chainsaw and a bucking bronco than a mindful Zen-like experience! So we started with lawns and quickly moved to blossoms which was much more... ahh... Zen.
Up and down
round about
Thrust here
push there
Over and about
Oh the smell
Of sweet cut grass
Mum did it
Dad did it
At Cherry Farm
they did it too
And at Shetland Street
round and under the trees
Oh how I love listening
to the loud mower
in bed
And it will be back
- by June
Cherry blossom
Like clouds passing
In the sky
Fluffy too
And pink
Lightly moving
How I like to be
Under the dappled shade
Always welcoming me
Heartily Spring
- by June