Wednesday, 11 September 2019

TV Dinners

Over the last two weeks we have focussed on prose and to help us get into the groove we used a film or television programme we had seen as the basis of our story - or at least the starting point. We were asked to change at least one significant aspect of the original story and to be as creative as we liked but with a word limit of 250. How to convey a film or programme in a short word count was an interesting challenge. We revealed what the programme was once we had shared the story - sometimes it was patently obvious and other times it was a complete mystery. With only about 20 minutes of writing, our group did incredibly well. Here are a few samples.


I used to dream that when the moon would awaken, he would be there. His long blue fur and deep steps that trimmed the echo of the night. I would be curled up in bed but always feel the creep. The dull sweep of his toes and the deep rumble of his breath. I would dream and there he would stand. It would start with a knock, just enough of a noise to rouse me, then an obscure breeze would tear the curtains. Even though I knew that it happened every night, my pulse would beat like the wings of a butterfly and my eyes would flutter awake. I recall the chill in the room and the way a low groan cut through the silence. I recall following the scuttling sound near the bottom of the bed and how the chill of the room stuck to my neck. Then came the roar. The realisation as to what was there were your skin turns artic and you feel the thick wads of fur suddenly near your pillow. Then the room fills with thunder as this giant blue create with rows of sharp yellow teeth bellows out a roar- the sound is so loud, I recall it making my ears ache, my eyes always watered, and my mouth screamed. I used to think he was terrifying. The way he used to scare me and then one day that changed, and now, when he walks through the door near my bed, so late at night, I welcome him and laugh about all the ways things used to be.

- Nellie Toubon


Swimming through the freezing sea, I feel free. My friends are around me and we play as we swim. Soon I'll be home, soon I'll see my family. Nearly there I think to myself. As we get closer to the shore we instinctively swim faster: we know that he'll be there waiting for us. Just as we had expected he was waiting, his looming body blocking our way to the beach. His body at least three times bigger than us, his teeth gnashing at us. At least there is only one beast today, we can outrun him. Like a switch instincts all kick in. We dart past him, weaving around him. His large body slowing him down, he tires quickly. My friends and I arrive at the beach in one piece, I feel the endorphins surge my body giving me that last blast of energy to get home. It's still a long way to go, I see the familiar hill that we must climb. As I look up I see the jaggered  rocks and sudden drops. So one by one we make our way up, catching each other before they slip. It's a long journey home, my feet are aching but the distant sounds of hungry chicks keeps me going. Soon I'll be home, soon I'll see my family.

- Tayla


He arrived in the new town, new country, new everything, wondering what they already knew about him.  Would they know he'd been kicked out of Australia, tail between his legs?  And they'd only taken him on here because they were so desperate?  He'd learn about them quickly enough, being the new doctor.
The first patient was rough, "You can't be the new Doc, you're Australian".  He smiled, grimaced, and tried to explain that yes, they do have medical schools in Australia, and he is indeed a suitably qualified doctor.  After that, dealing with his bunions was a breeze!
His daughter was another issue.  He'd uprooted her from everything she knew and everyone she knew.  And being a teenager, she was quick to tell him what she thought!
After 3 weeks of listening to her moan, he'd had enough and started packing to go back to Australia.  He'd have to start at the bottom again, maybe in a small practice where no-one knew him.  And then the biggest shock of all - she wanted to stay!  She'd started to make friends and wanted to give this new country a go after all!

- Christine

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